According to experts from Oil World, the average yield of rape seeds in the EU countries in 2018 may decrease to 2.94 t / ha, the minimum figure for the last 3 seasons, which will yield to the average annual oilseed yield for the last 5 years (3.33 t / ha ).The yield of rape in Germany is projected at 3.06 t / ha against 3.27 t / ha in 2017, in France - 3.11 (3.7) t / ha and the UK - 3.31 (3.73 t / ha).In view of this, the experts also reduced the forecast of rape seed production in the EU countries in t.ch. up to 19.6 million tons, 0.5 million tons lower than the previous estimate, and 10% (2.25 million tons) inferior to the gross harvest in 2017 (21.85 million tons) and can become the minimum result for the last 7 years.In particular, experts expect a significant decrease in the crop of rapeseed in Germany - up to 3.85 million tons against 4.29 million tons last year (-10%), France - to 4.65 (5.2 million) tons (-10.5%), Poland - up to 2.07 (2.69) million tons (-23%), and the UK - up to 2.03 (2.1) million tons (-3%), Romania - to 1.68 (1.82) million tons (-7.7%) and Bulgaria - to 0.45 (0.49) million tons (-8%).