The land bank from FUAC (First Ukrainian Agricultural Cooperative) has increased by ten thousand hectares - 200 thousand hectares, since the beginning of this year. At the same time, there were more participants. Actual number is 69 operating enterprises. Such information was voiced by the executive director of the cooperative Buiukli Alexander."At the moment, about 69 direct participants enter the general composition. For comparison, at the end of last year there were only 61. Also, the total land bank grew by more than 10 thousand hectares. Now it is 200 thousand hectares. Members of the cooperative are located in 12 regions of the country. Growth dynamics is observed, as agricultural producers are confident in the prospects and benefits, which opens up cooperation with them. I am confident that in the future, the number of partners will grow, "notes the director of PUSK.Also, data were presented on the sale of 90,000 tons of grains and oilseeds over the past year. At the moment, the figure will be doubled. To increase profitability, as well as the effectiveness of interaction, the cooperative was given the opportunity to lend to the bank "Credit-Dnepr". All proceeds will be used to increase sales and conclude beneficial contracts for the purchase of mineral fertilizers. According to official data, the amount of loans will be about 50 million hryvnia. Negotiations are in progress with Radobank, a bank from the Netherlands. The prospect is to attract investments for the construction of a full-fledged soybean processing plant, as well as linear elevators.