The press service of NASU "Ukrtsukor" informed that on September 5, 7,3 thousand tons of sugar were produced in Ukraine and 5 sugar factories are participating in the process.This year, production of a strategically important product was a bit late compared to last year and began on August 30 (last year started on August 20).Negative weather conditions have also affected crop yields. The cold ground in the spring slowed down the growth of sugar beet. By the beginning of autumn, the size of root crops was only 430 g, which is 10% less than in 2016. The analyst from the Ukrainian National Agricultural University Ukrtsukor Dolinsky Vasily believes that the yield of root crops this year will drop to 430 quintals per hectare.Unchanged will remain a crop in the West of Ukraine. There, the fields were sown on time, and the optimum amount of rain was observed all summer, but a preliminary analysis of the beet showed that the sugar content in it is less by 1% compared to last year's.Dolinsky also said that the most problematic situation was in the Kharkiv and Poltava regions, where the crop fields are 20% and give raw materials for 11 plants. Because of spring frosts, all areas had to be reseeded, and the sweet root crop lost in mass to 100 g.In the central regions, the harvest was also affected by unfavorable weather conditions: heat, then drought, then downpours. In many farms there is a poor yield of sugar beet.