At the conference "Agrobild: Storage and Logistics of Grain", the view was expressed that in Ukraine it is necessary to introduce a new and unified instruction for each agrarian who will put in order the standards of accounting and confirming the actions carried out with grain. This instruction should be the only one absolutely for all representatives of the grain market. This proposal was received from the representatives of PavlogradZernoProduct.According to representatives of this company, when in 2017 the instruction No661 was abolished, which sets uniform standards, development of own instructions began at all agrarian enterprises. It is for this reason that quite often between the representatives of the grain market there are disagreements concerning the standards of natural sale of grain, as well as the rates of cancellation.Because of what the idea came to accept one document for all, which will help to regulate all these issues. Also, the representative office of Pavlograd ZernoProdukt pointed to the fact that their company supplies large quantities of grains and oilseeds.The grain is received according to GOST. The MEZs, in turn, began developing their own instructions.Due to the fact that the instructions do not dock, this situation complicates the process of signing contracts. Also, cases of arbitration during the delivery of products to the enterprises involved in processing have become more frequent.That is why it is necessary to adopt a uniform standard and follow it.