Because of significant cooling throughout Ukraine in the first ten days of March, soil freezing indicators reached a depth of 19 to 38 cm, depending on the region. UkrAgroConsult informs that the snow level on the territory of Ukraine varies from 5 to 25 cm. The snow cover created conditions in the fields in which the temperature at the depth of the tillering node of the winter wheat did not fall below the permissible norm.
What to expect from a cold snap?
Experts argue that this temperature index is not critical for developed plants. Therefore, according to a preliminary assessment, the state of the crop in all areas under cultivation is characterized as good and satisfactory. The Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine informs about the beginning of seasonal field works in some territories in connection with warming. At the moment, the process of additional feeding of winter wheat is carried out. It has already been carried out on the area of 1,768 thousand hectares of crops, which is 24% of the forecast. According to the statistics of 2017, at the moment, the bait process was carried out for 4413 thousand hectares of crops or 63% of the total area.