At the end of 2017, the Agropromholding company Astarta summed up the results. So, at the end of 2017, about 786 thousand tons of crops were harvested, namely, grains and oilseeds. This figure is literally 14% less than the yields in 2016. This information was obtained from the press service of UkrAgroConsult. Gross harvest decreased due to not very favorable meteorological conditions in Poltava and the Poltava region.However, despite this, the amount of processed soy was maintained almost at the same level as in the previous year. For example, at Globin soybean processing plant, about 40,000 tons of soybean oil were produced last year, which is 3% more than in 2016. About 153 thousand soy shorts were produced in 2017, which is minus 3% compared to 2016. 12 thousand tons of granular soybean shell, the same figure was in 2016. It should be noted that in 2017 the company worked at full capacity.