
Соняшникова олія: види, користь, застосування і протипоказання
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Макуха: властивості і застосування, переваги і недоліки
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Шрот: виды, состав, применение и польза шрота
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Соєва олія: користь і застосування, склад, протипоказання
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Ukraine could suffer losses of 100 million dollars due to excess of vegetable oil in the world market
The production of vegetable oil in the current year will exceed its consumption, which can lead to the loss of export income in Ukraine in the amount of $ 100-115 million. According to Sergey Feofilov, general director of the consulting agency UkrAgroConsult, the cost of vegetable oils in the last d...
Soybean meal from Ukraine conquers the Romanian market
In 2017/18 MY, according to experts' forecasts, Ukraine will beat the record of soybean volumes in comparison with the previous indicator. This is due to an increase in the volume of processing of culture and an increase in the trading pace of the products obtained. Procurement of soybean meal incre...
TOP-5 soybean processing products
According to Stanislava Yarosh, an analyst at ProAgro, in 2016 record total soy prices caused an increase in export volumes of oilseed crops this season. For 2016/17 MG, external shipments of soybean beans increased more than the previous season by 72%. The export figures for processing products ...
In the domestic market, demand for sunflower seeds is too low
According to Maria Yakovleva, commercial director of AGROLIGA GROUP, this season in the domestic market there is a very weak demand for sunflower seeds compared to last year. Fodder plants (main consumers) began to replace it with soybean meal with higher protein content (up to 35%). Also, the ex...
Sunflower cake in the EU for the first time exported "Ukrolia"
According to (refers to the company's press service), exports of organic products by the company "Ukrolia" were started. The first 272 tons of sunflower seed meal were shipped in January this year to the Netherlands. In the EU, the delivery of this product will be increased next ...